How to Have a Healthy Relationship With Social Media - FFC Blog (1)

How to Have a Healthy Relationship With Social Media

It’s hard to imagine life without some type of social media, but like anything else, we must adopt a mindful attitude toward how we use it. The internet is a wonderful tool, and social media can help us connect with others we would never meet otherwise. However, social media can also quickly become a crutch, preventing us from bettering ourselves, improving our mental health and living life to the fullest.

To help you get the most out of your online experience, here are several tips to follow that will help you increase your awareness of the role social media plays in your life.

Have a Monthly Detox

Social media detoxes can help you reestablish your balance and concentrate on what matters. Whenever you find yourself unable to stop checking your notifications or feeling anxious and depressed online, it’s a good idea to log off and step back for a while. Designate one week every month that you won’t check any social media accounts; it may feel unfathomable right now, which makes it all the more important.

If stopping entirely right now seems like too much, cut back your use by an hour a day, then commit to having at least one day a week that is screen-free.

Follow Accounts That Promote Positivity

We may stay connected to old friends, ex-partners and influencers whose accounts make us feel bad about ourselves. Although it can be tempting to satisfy our human curiosity to keep up with people we used to know, nothing good comes out of it. Unfollow any accounts that bring about feelings of worthlessness, jealousy and shame. If unfollowing a certain person might cause problems for you, most social media apps allow you to mute their accounts so their content doesn’t appear on your feed.

Avoid Triggers

Similar to the last tip, avoid looking at your ex’s profile or following any accounts that make you feel bad about yourself. Even if something doesn’t pose a problem for others, your triggers matter. It shows great awareness and strength to know what bothers you, and taking note of these things can help you make positive steps toward a life that’s more aligned with who you want to be.

Monitor Your Screen Time

It’s easy to spend hours a day on social media, but try to cut back how often you log on. Checking your Twitter feed or scrolling through Instagram may be second-nature when there’s nothing else going on, but try to limit your use to no more than two hours per day.

Noticing when you use social media the most can help you come up with a more mindful schedule; if you spend your entire lunch break staring at your phone, for example, consider eating with a colleague and having a real conversation instead.

Swap Scrolling With a New Hobby

When you start to decrease your social media consumption, it can be hard to figure out exactly what else you should be doing. To avoid falling into the trap of endless scrolling to alleviate boredom, pick up a new hobby that you’ll do whenever you’re tempted to go online.

You may decide to read a book, do a workout or draw. Cutting back on social media provides a wonderful chance to start exploring interests and activities you may have been avoiding.

At Foundations Family Counseling, we are committed to helping you live a life that feels free and happy; a life that is yours! To learn more about our counseling services, contact us today.