
An Independent Contractor With Foundations Family Counseling

Born in Denver, raised in East L.A., educated in West L.A., turned inside out and refilled in South East Asia, further substantiated from Australia to Africa, rounding out and deepening back at the starting place, Denver.

Yes, I’ve been fortunate enough to have been deeply immersed, for significant periods of time, into the raw and real lives of many global expressions of humanity. Surprisingly, something this experience has taught me is that as wonderfully beautiful our differences are, we humans have more in common than not. The biggest common denominator is an innate determination, a force to be whoever we are most intrinsically, individually designed to be, whatever that authentically is. This is experience that I bring to every encounter that I have with the people and organizations that I work with. Together we discover how to move with the challenges, obstacles, damages, and opportunities that interact with our collective processes of individuation, of becoming wholly you.

In all areas of my practice, individual, couples and family therapy, I work to establish a dynamic, animated alliance to bring forth the fullest possible expression of each person’s truest self. I have acquired quite a few tools in my methods/techniques box. The names of the tools are not important because they are never used the same way for any two people. I will disclose up front, however, that I do have a spiritual framework. I can also disclose that I am not aware of that interfering with experiencing good work with those who do not feel the same.

Christopher Well’s Specialties:
Foundations Family Counseling

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