Foundations Family Counseling Specialties
At Foundations Family Counseling, our contracted counselors are deeply intuitive and well rounded. We invest a lot of time into contracting therapists that not only have a wide-range of counseling specialties, but also skills that are complimentary towards our other contracted counselors. Our therapists are collaborative and resourced. They are continuously consulting other professionals to brainstorm all possible options in order to help our clients grow and change.
Our highly experienced counselors and therapists specialize in a broad range of counseling specialties including those listed below. If you are interested in a therapy or specialty not listed, please give us a call at 303-393-0085 and we will find a therapist that is right for you.

Individual Counseling
Learn to better process life and all of its joys, stresses, and deep meanings.

Couples Counseling
Vulnerability & transparency are the pathways to aliveness in a relationship.

Child-Centered Play Therapy
Play therapy is hard work and it is a necessary work for many children.

Trauma & Abuse Therapy
Healing from the hurts of life is difficult. Life is beautiful, but also painful.

Grief & Loss Counseling
Whether it’s through death, hardship or transition, grief comes in many ways.

Addictions Counseling
We as people are wired for addiction – That may sound outrageous but its true!

Spirituality & Faith Counseling
Life is a journey and a beautiful process towards something and ‘someone’.

Anxiety & Depression Counseling
Learn how to dismantle your chronic cycle of pain.

Early Childhood Counseling
Seek to evaluate and support the building blocks being laid in your child’s life.

Adolescents Counseling
The internal world of the adolescent is ever-shifting and always changing.

Parent Coaching & Support
A collaborative effort where we seek to support, teach, and develop you as a parent.

Divorce Counseling
Let us walk with you through the process of rebuilding and restoring what was lost.

Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP)
Heal from long-term trauma and begin to find greater freedom from painful symptoms.